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Registration for niceRO
Note: Please click register ONLY ONCE!
Registration Type: Normal
Account Name: (Only Alphanumeric, no spaces allowed, max length 16)
Password: (max length 16; don't use any sensitive data / your existing password — it won't be encrypted)
Enter Password again:
Default Character Style:
Account Recovery Word:
By registering, you agree to the following rules:
18+ only.
Please be nice.
Please don't try to break this server. We are all here just for a fleeting moment of time to have some fun.
The server GM's resources are limited. I may not be available for help, the server may unexpectedly go down, I may not be able to fix a server issue or implement a requested feature. Please understand.
This is not a place for homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, etc. behaviour. If you are here to stir shit — please leave.

Terms of the Control Panel
When using the Control Panel, be aware of the following:
Only logins/passwords with (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, spaces) will be allowed access for security reasons.
All actions and changes to the database are logged.
Any attempts to exploit the control panel with malicious input, either intentionally or unintentionally will be logged.
Repeated exploit attempts can result in a ban, at the GMs' discretion.

Powered by PHP 5.2.11 and MySQL
Coded by Azndragon © 2004 Version 4.3.4a
Skin: Zack's skins by Zack
Best viewed using Firefox and 1024x768

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